Spreading the Light of the Quran to Muslims in North Sumatra

35 supporters

RM 4,230.00 raised of RM 7,500.00 goal

56% funded


Calculating time remaining

Regular price RM 15.00
Sale price RM 15.00 Regular price
Project Information

Campaign Objective

Build your hereafter by making waqf of Al-Qur’an to Muslims in the remote villages in North Sumatera. To provide copies of the Quran to underprivileged Muslim communities in North Sumatra, empowering them with knowledge, guidance, and spiritual enrichment found in the holy book. The proceed will be used to purchase 500 copies of the Quran and distributed to the families of each household .

The Challenges 

North Sumatra is one of the provinces in Indonesia with a high level of religious diversity. The majority of North Sumatra's population is Muslim, but other religions such as Christianity (Protestant and Catholic), Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism, and local beliefs also have a significant number of followers.

In many remote areas, education among Muslim families is still facing significant challenges. Access to proper educational facilities is limited, with many regions lacking quality educators, sufficient learning materials, and basic infrastructure. As a result, the younger generation in these areas is hindered from receiving the education that should be their right.

The Solution 

As part of our effort to support Qur'anic education and improve public access to religious learning facilities, we have distributed waqf items such as Qur'ans, Islamic books, and prayer equipment to various institutions and communities in need. This program aims to reach as many beneficiaries as possible, especially in areas with limited access to religious education.

However, this will not be possible without your help after the permission of ALLAH (subhanahu wa ta’ala).


Yayasan ArRisalah AlKhairiyah With the support of donors, has distributed copies of Quran to:

  1. Schools
    Supporting formal educational institutions in providing better facilities for religious education to students.

  2. Islamic Boarding Schools
    Assisting boarding schools in guiding students to grow closer to the Qur'an and Islamic values.

  3. Mosques and Prayer Rooms (Mushalla)
    Equipping places of worship to serve as centers for Qur'anic learning for the local community.

  4. The General Public
    Providing direct support to families in need of Qur'anic learning resources.

Through Allah’s assistance and donors kind gestures we at Yayasan ArRisalah AlKhairiyah are able to reach the following regions:

  • Deli Serdang

  • Serdang Bedagai

  • Lubuk Pakam

  • Tanjung Morawa

  • Medan

  • Bangun Sari

  • South Aceh

Fund needed

Yayasan ArRisalah AlKhairiyah is aiming to raise RM7,500 to purchase 500 copies of Quran to be distributed to families of each household. It is our hope that this will help to further boost the literacy of the words of ALLAH among whole families in the community. Imagine the impact this good act will have on them.

Abu Hurairah reported: The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, “When a man dies, his deeds come to an end except for three things: Sadaqah Jariyah (ceaseless charity); a knowledge which is beneficial, or a virtuous descendant who prays for him.” (Muslim)

Sponsor a copy of Quran today with as little as RM15 and spread the word of ALLAH. May it be accepted as a Sadaqah Jariyah for you – Ameen.




Malaysia Bank Transfer 

Bank Name: CIMB Islamic
Account Holder: Quraany Global Sdn. Bhd
Account Number: 86-0569448-3
Reference: Sumatra
Payment Details: Order#


If you have made a direct bank transfer. Please send your transfer proof via WhatsApp to +60173460067

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